Sunday, August 21, 2011
by Thabo Peter Kalake
Fishing is catching fish either for fun or so they can be eaten. There are many different types of fishing, the goal of fishing for money is to catch or harvest seafood (either fish or other sea life). Fishing can be done in the sea, or in a lake or river, and by boat or from the shore.
Fishing for money
Fishing for money is a very dangerous job, because people can die, but much money can be made in the process. Fishing gives a lot of food to many countries around the world, but those who take it as a job must often find fish far into the ocean under bad conditions. People who go fishing for money get almost all aquatic life, from tuna, cod, and salmon to shrimp, lobster, clams, and squid. Ways to fish for money have become very simple using large nets and machines to catch fish. Many countries have made rules limiting how much fish people can catch.
Raising fish in the forms of aquaculture and mariculture add to the free-range catch of fish.
Fishing for fun
Fishing for fun is normally done with a fishing rod and line with any number of hooks to get the fish. This is something called angling. There may be rules that say how many lines and hooks one fisherman can use and how many fish he can catch. Popular kinds of fish people get for fun in fresh water include Black Bass (Black Bass includes the entire range of Bass fish), Pike, Muskellunge, Perch, Carp, Trout, Salmon, and Sunfish. Fish people get in saltwater include Swordfish, Marlin, Tuna, and others.
Rules generally do not allow the use of nets and catching fish with hooks not in the mouth. However some kinds of fish can be taken with nets for bait and a few for food. Non-sport fish that aren't said to be worth as much can sometimes be taken by many ways like snagging, bow and arrow, or even gun, because they are seen as competing with more valuable fish.
Recreational fishing laws also include other life that lives in water, such as frogs and turtles.
Sport fishing is a recent popular way of recreational fishing where fishermen try to get more fish than other fishermen. This sport came from local fishing contests into a large contest in the U.S.A. where skilled fishermen can compete and be helped out by companies giving money, and other large contests around the world.
Catch-and-release fishing is increasingly practiced especially by fly fishermen, as well as spin and bait casting fishermen, to increase conservation and to protect rare fish such as marlin. The practice is however disputed as it by some is considered unethical to perform painful actions to the fish for fun and not for the reason of food production. Because of this, catch-and-release practice is illegal in NorwayCollection of live fish
Fish can also be collected in ways that do not injure them (such as in a seine net), for observation and study or for keeping in Aquarium. There is a substantial industry devoted to the collection, transport, export and farming of wild and domesticated live fish, usually freshwater or marine tropical fish.
Fishing with traps
Some fish such as lobster and crab are caught commercially in pots or traps. These traps can be made from wood or metal and hold many fish at once. They are baited with fresh fish such as tuna and cod, or raw meat. Fishing boats must have licences to catch these fish and quotas are rigorously enforced.
Too much fishing
In the past, fishing has been so good for getting money that people began overfishing (fishing too much) - a serious problem that does lots of damage (bad).[1] Overfishing does not always mean extinction, but simply that a fish type has been harvested so that there cannot be as many of that kind of fish as before. As more boats are sent out to catch the fish, many population levels of a type of fish can drop.[1] Then, there are not enough of that kind of fish left to have new kinds of fish.[1]
Many times, fishing boats catch fish they don't mean to catch, called bycatch. All kinds of fish can become bycatch, and they are usually thrown back into the sea after they have died. Drift net fishing sometimes catches creatures like seals, dolphins, whales, and sea turtles. This kind of fishing made people complain. In the 1980s, it was guessed that 18 miles (30 km) of nets were lost every night, tangling up boats and animals.
About the Author
I Thabo Peter Kalake born 1970 in a farm area called graitefontein next to the small town Rouxville.Started schooling in blayskape later I moved to the former homeland called Qwa-Qwa at the eastrn site of the Free State.I like to share with the world the experience and knowledge of different author of the world.
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